Is technology impacting your relationship?

What starts off as an occasional glance at pornography can lead into an addiction. A secret behind closed doors, alienating us from those we love. Pornography is squirming its way into nearly every household and often negatively impacting relationships. Maltz and...

Forgiveness in relationships.

To be able to forgive in a relationship is important for the couple connection, satisfaction and the ability to be future focused. However, forgiveness is easier said than done, whether you chose to forgive others or even yourself. Forgiveness is not forgetting, nor...

What happened to the joy in our relationship?

You may be thinking, what happened to our relationship, the happiness you once felt has disappeared. The times of going out together were filled with euphoria, now there is no desire to even spend time with our ‘loved’ one. Has the happiness has been replaced with...

Communication – Can make or break a relationship.

As a relationship counsellor, one of the first things I ask is what has brought the couple into counselling. The majority of couples say, we want to improve our communication. What does that mean? Often the couple communicate very well, they just don’t like what each...

Affairs – Hurts and Happiness

Close relationships can bring so much happiness and yet so much hurt.  Relationship injuries resulting from infidelity needs repair otherwise the emotional bond between the couple will be sabotaged by resentment, retaliation and rejection for years to come. Repairing...

When alcohol is problematic in the relationship.

Excessive drinking of alcohol can be problematic in relationships, causing harm, which could be emotional, physical, financial and sexual, as well as interfering with parenting. Relationship Counsellors often hear partners state that it seems like the joy, ethics and...